The Painting Pros of Cleveland

Drywall Repair

Drywall Repair

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Drywall Repair

Drywall, also known as sheetrock, is the most common construction material used in homes and commercial buildings on walls and ceilings. Over time, wear and tear can cause damage to the walls of your home or other property. You may notice holes, cracks or dents in your drywall that should be repaired before any painting is started. In this article, we will discuss the process of drywall repair.

To begin a damaged drywall repair, you'll need a few tools to get the job done right. You'll need a 4" or 6" putty knife, drywall tape, drywall joint compound and sanding screen or a sanding block. If a large hole needs to be repaired you should cut out the hole to the studs and put in a piece of drywall to fill the hole and affix it with drywall screws. If the holes are small you can cover them with drywall tape and drywall compound for a perfect drywall patch.

When applying drywall compound or, as referred to in drywall taper's lingo, "drywall mud". Spread a thin coat evenly over the entire patch or seam with your putty knife, being careful not to leave any lumps or bumps behind and cover with tape and then smooth it out evenly. Let it fully dry and then apply another thin coat of "mud" covering a little bit larger surface area. A third coat may be necessary. Let that dry and lightly sand the patched area to blend into the wall. Now you can prime and paint.

If the repair seems a little overwhelming, give us a call and we'll make sure your sheetrock repair is professionally completed. If the job is more than we can handle, we'll bring in a drywall contractor that can get the job done.

Call the Painting Pros of Cleveland for a FREE "No Hassle" quote today!!

Call us at 216-238-6931

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Drywall Repair supplies
Drywall/Sheetrock Repair
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